Saturday 13 September 2014

How to stop WhatsApp from saving pictures to Android

WhatsApp, the app that almost anyone (including Grandma) has on their smartphone, is great for the most part, but is unfortunately not void of faults. You might wonder where all of your mobile data goes in a month, not to mention why your internal storage is dwindling? A reason for this could be because pictures and other media are automatically being auto-downloaded when sent to you, and this seems to be switched on by default! Today we’ll give you a brief tutorial on how to switch this off, and save precious data.

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© WhatsApp
In fact, this tutorial is super easy. It’s just a matter of exploring your settings, and getting better acquainted with what the app is doing behind the scenes. WhatsApp will automatically download pictures to your gallery, as well as audio and video, if you have these ticked. For me, image was ticked by default. You can decide whether you want media to be auto-downloaded using mobile data or when connected to Wi-Fi, as well as when roaming. Keep in mind that voice messages are always downloaded for better quality, so this is not optional.
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  • On WhatsApp for Android, open the app and tap on the menu button at the top right corner of the screen. Select Settings.
  • Next, choose Chat settings, followed by Media auto-download.
  • Now here, you can tap on both ‘’When using mobile data’’ and ‘’When connected on Wi-Fi’’ (and roaming), to narrow down what gets auto-downloaded, if anything at all.
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For the mobile data option, ensure that all media options are unticked. 
Easy right? Easy, yet very important if you want to save on mobile data, as well as free up some internal storage.

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